November 12, 2011

Using Rainwater Harvesting For Multi-Dwellings

Rainwater can be used indoors and covering if drinking ability mains water is not required. Practically a third of our daily water is admittedly flushed down the toilet so, by using rainwater for the washing motor and in the garden, (for irrigation, cleaning and water features etc) about half of the midpoint mains water consumption can be saved. For the individual household, this conception is easy: derive rainwater from the roof, filter it, store it, preferably in an underground tank, and when critical then pump it to where it is needed. In manifold dwellings there are varied configurations inherent within this basic concept.

Rainwater supervision Systems.

Water Pressure Sensors

The most simple explication is to have one law per dwelling unit and this is obviously inherent in asset developments with detached homes. However to gain from economies of scale, it is often cheaper to have large capacity storehouse to serve some dwellings. As the whole point of rainwater harvesting is that rain is "free", it is not feasible to try and control the estimate of rainwater used from a shared tank by the dwellings supplied by it. It is assumed that each dwelling's use of rainwater will be much the same. In a water shortage, residents must water their gardens sparingly.

With a shared tank, the issues of how to pay for the electricity to power the pump, and how to pay for the mains water (should the rainwater run out) have to be dealt with. The developer needs to anticipate that the rainwater harvesting system, or parts of it, should be owned by the landlord enterprise and render a long term assistance under compact to the owner/occupant. So, if a pump is shared, it would have to be linked to a landlord's electricity furnish (like road lights and other shared services) and billed back to the occupants in the normal way.

In anyone scenario, rainwater is collected off the roof and stored in one or some linked underground storehouse tanks. Underground, the water stays cool and fresh (no bacterial activity under 12 degrees). Thereafter, there are two critical methods of distributing rainwater to where it is needed, and there are some variances within each critical method. These two methods are direct and indirect feed. Whether direct or indirect, each rainwater law has to couple a mains back installation in the event that the storehouse tank runs out. The choice can ensue how electricity and mains water costs are evaluated.

Direct Feed with Submersible Pump.

The submersible pressure-sensitive pump sits on the bottom of the underground rainwater storehouse tank. The different appliances are directly plumbed to the output on the pump. When water is drawn, for example, a toilet is flushed, the pump starts. When no more water is being drawn, the pressure builds up in the network of pipes and the pump stops pumping.

In this layout, the simplest and cheapest way of providing mains water when rainwater runs out is to admit mains water to the underground tank. When the float switch in the tank shows the tank is empty, a mains-electric solenoid tap opens to admit mains water straight through a tundish (Wras requirement for air gap) into the underground tank. When the water level has risen a few inches, the float switch rises and turns the solenoid tap off. The bulk of the tank is left empty to accept the next rain shower.

This adapts well to shared systems, i.e. Taking rainwater from a communal underground tank to each property. some homes in a small area (2 to 8 homes typically, semi-detached or within 2-10 metres of each other) drain their roofs to one underground tank. One pump can serve all the homes connected; at 1000 watts and 4 to 5 bar of pressure, the pump will give mains-like pressure with some minor drop-off when some homes are using it full blast. It is also inherent to have a pump per dwelling in the shared storehouse tank which avoids landlord metering of electricity use. But this puts up the preliminary tool cost.


Cheap to purchase and install.

A shared storehouse tank scenario needs only one pump serving all dwellings.


No rainwater if there is a power cut or the pump fails.

Pump hunts to profess pressure and uses a lot of electricity.

In a shared, direct feed, storehouse tank scenario, a) the rainwater, b) the electricity for the pump, and c) the mains water for backup must all three be shared. There must be a landlord's meter for electricity and mains water.

Indoor pump: rain manager.

The German shop has for many years favorite to place the pressure-sensitive pump in the house, sucking from the tank and delivering water to the appliances. A mini header tank, mounted in the same console, is used to furnish mains water backup if the rainwater runs out. Both pump and mini header are housed in a suitcase-sized console which is wall-mounted in the ground floor or basement. These rain managers take up space, pump can be heard, and are more expensive than other options. Furthermore, each dwelling needs its own rain boss and, therefore, the pump cost cannot be shared. They could be a good choice for up-market individual homes where there is no roof space for a gravity-feed tank.


In a shared system, the electricity (one pump per dwelling) and mains water backup are both billed straight through the dwellings' own meters.

Pump is accessible, mini header tank for mains backup is integrated.

Control of rainwater even if there is no roof space.


No rainwater if there is a power cut or the pump fails.

Pump hunts to profess pressure and uses a lot of electricity.

Pump noise.

Expensive to purchase and to run.

A rain boss is required in each dwelling (no choice for shared pump).

Gravity Feed with Plain header tank.

Instead of supplying directly, the pressure-sensitive pump in the main storehouse tank supplies a plain header tank in the roof space and keeps it full using a superior ball cock and float. If the rain runs out, a lower ball cock and float admits mains into the header tank across an A-B gap. The disadvantage of this is that, as in direct feed and rain boss options, the pump works whenever water is drawn. Also the rainwater in the header tank could go stale in higher temperatures and periods of disuse (occupant on holiday).

Gravity Feed with Smart header tank.

The smart header tank has an galvanic float sensor at the high water level and one at empty. They are linked to a computer controlled set of galvanic solenoids wall-mounted at the ground floor so that the header tank is left to empty fully before being filled, so reducing pump cycling. Practically 5 times less electricity is needed. The tank can also be programmed to be flushed out and refilled with mains water to avoid stale water.


In a shared system, as with direct feed, one pump can serve manifold header tanks, or there can be a pump per dwelling. Mains water backup (smart header tank and controller per dwelling).

Is billed straight through the dwelling's own meter.

Minimal pump cycling reduces power consumption and wear and tear on pump.

Water from header tank even during power cuts.

Manual as well as automatic mains back-up.

Can agenda mains water for indoor appliances if drought and hosepipe.

bans threaten, and rainwater to be saved for irrigation.

Price is lower than that of Rain Managers and other mini header-tank systems.

Pump in rainwater storehouse tank so, unlike rain managers, no pump noise in the house.


Difficult to adapt if there is no roof space.

Gravity provides less pressure and slower flow to toilet or washing machines (a tap for the garden can be in case,granted by teeing off prior to the controller).

Choice Of storehouse Tanks For manifold Dwellings.

For large capacity storehouse tanks for shared use of rainwater, the choice is in the middle of one piece laid-up fibre glass or steel framed and Grp sectional tanks or much smaller tanks linked together. The large tanks tend to be expensive to manufacture, converyance and install. They also often require long improve order delays and the booking of a date for assembly on site by the manufacturer. These large tanks have to be transported from the installation in one piece on a low loader and slow convoy, with together with expense.

Mass produced two-piece tanks such as the Carat Range from Otto Graf GmbH in Germany are cheaper to manufacture, converyance and install than one piece laid-up fibre glass or steel framed and Grp sectional tanks. The moulding process of the small tanks keeps the size to 6500 to 7000 litres when underground and 1-piece tanks above ground to colse to 10.000 litres. However, these manifold moulded tanks can be admittedly linked together in parallel, manufacture the total volume required.

Using Rainwater Harvesting For Multi-Dwellings

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