December 18, 2011

How to Stop Pets From Peeing on Carpets and upholstery

Both cats and dogs are very olfactory creatures. Many decisions they make are based on what they smell.
We as citizen will walk into a room and look nearby and size up the situation. Cats and dogs will explore a room and smell things.

This is prominent to understand if you are going to get your pets to stop peeing on your stuff.

Water Pressure Sensor

Rule amount one
You must eliminate old urine smells in the house. Pets are drawn to these odors and many times their instinct is to mark the spot. When you clean up urine odors make sure you get all of the urine particularly what might be in the backing, the pad and even the sub floor. There is a lot of data about how to do this. Please look for pro articles about this and not trust the advice from the lady who swears that pouring Windex on the spot is the answer.

If you buy a home, it is prominent to rule if pets have lived there. Considered check the carpets over to see if you observation any smell. Take your pets there and watch their behavior. If they are fixated on certain areas of the floor covering get down and smell that area for odor. You can even buy at pet market a urine detector probe. These sensors detect moisture in the carpets. Since urine has salt crystals they support moisture and they will set of the moisture detector.

Rule amount two-
Never assume your pet is being bad. There are many reasons why pets urinate where we don't want them to. Often times it is because of a corporeal ailment. If your elderly grandparent became incontinent because of age, would you yell at them and hit them with a newspaper?

If your pet suddenly starts having this problem, seriously think a trip to the vet to see if an ailment is causing this problem.

Rule amount three-
First look to see if there is something you have done that might be causing this to happen. Such as not letting animals out often enough, dirty litter boxes, stressful situations in home that is upsetting the pet, old urine smells, new pets etc...

Probably well over 75% of the time it is something that you could do differently that will take care of the problem. There are many articles written about what causes pets to behave in certain ways.

Specifically about cats-
The cat litter box must be kept clean. Pardon me for getting descriptive here but if you had a bathroom where the toilet was never flushed and it smelled genuinely bad you wouldn't want to go in there either. Cats are very clean animals and they will often not use a litter box if it is too dirty.

I know it is a hassle but you should have a merge of litter boxes nearby the house. They will go to the litter box because of the smell but if it gets too dirty they will choose another place.

Where do they pee?
Often times if they find a pile of clothes on the floor they will use this for a substitute litter box. Typically when cats start peeing on the carpets they will find one to three areas up against the wall, normally near a corner and often near large windows or sliding glass door. Each area will often be from the wall and out about 18 inches and about four to six feet long. They will saturate this area. In these cases the urine goes all the way into the sub floor.

Just cleaning the carpets from the surface in these cases is not going to be enough. Since the urine is in the padding and the floor below it they can still smell the urine. These carpets need to be pulled up, the padding cut out, the sub floor cleaned, disinfected and sealed, the floor covering disinfected and cleaned and new padding installed. Since this is an area where the cat company with urine you could put a clean litter box in this area and over the duration of a merge of weeks move it microscopic by microscopic to where you want it. Putting plastic over area where they have been peeing, putting down strips of two sided tape, surface the area with aluminum foil and /or spraying the area with a lemon scent have all proven to discourage cats from coming back to that area. There are also many products made to keep pets away from these areas. Some citizen say they work and say citizen say they don't. When we have used them they did not work.

Does punishing the cat work?
As far as punishing a cat or scolding it, this creates the opposite result of what you want. All this does is stresses that cat and creates more problems. This doesn't mean you can't shoo them away from a qoute area. It means it does not work to yell or hit. A microscopic trick we use in our home for our three rescued cats is we have a merge of spray bottles with water in the house. When our cats start doing behavior we don't like we just spray the water in their direction. Now all we have to do is just pick up the bottle and they take off.

Specifically about dogs
Dogs tend to pee in any place and everywhere. There is puppy training which is different than working with grown dogs that have been house trained already.

In my taste almost always a dog that house been properly house trained is peeing on the floor covering because of something an owner has done, is not doing or is not paying concentration to.

We have a rescued mixed breed dog that gets so excited when we come home that if we are not calm he pees all over the floor and our feet. He was abused before we got him and I believe the peeing is a sign of being submissive. As long as we are calm he is fine. We let him out and after he runs nearby a bit we can play and rough house with him and he is fine.

Additional tips
Pets also will sometimes pee on furniture and on other surfaces. Just like the carpets these need to be cleaned up. Getting urine out of upholstery can be a tough job because the urine sinks down into the batting under the fiber.

Call your local floor covering cleaner and ask about this. Stay tuned and I will write an article about this.

Good luck, keep loving your pets.

How to Stop Pets From Peeing on Carpets and upholstery

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